16 casino rules that you need to know about

The gambling industry is a huge player in the leisure industry. It’s large enough to have its own laws that aim to protect the casino and you, the gambler. When it comes to games like situs Judi Slot Online Terpercaya di Indonesia and rtp slot online, your strategy is going awry in Vegas, know how to abide by these 14 casino rules that you need to know about.


  1. The clock is always running: The clock stops for no one. Yes, there are breaks during the day, but once it’s dark, it’s bright casino night. The clock is always on and your only opportunity to gamble is when the doors open at 9pm every day. Also, the clock never stops for you. If there are no games open, you can’t play. Your only chance to gamble is when the casino opens its doors at 9pm every day.
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  1. This is a dice game – this means you can’t roll the dice: In Vegas, they love their Dice Games! A lot of casinos have them as part of their entertainment plan, and spread through all the casino floors. But remember that these games have a time limit: Once the timer hits zero, you don’t get another roll. The only time you’ll be able to reroll your hand is if something goes wrong with your first roll and the chips are sitting on top of your hand waiting to be dealt out again.


  1. This is a casino game – this means you can’t play it at home: You would be surprised how many people come to Vegas, or play on a computer, thinking they can play their favourite gambling game at home. No dice in your living room! These are the misinformed, always-wrong-but-never-wrong types that come to Vegas thinking they can do 250K in the Dunes on 1 roll of a die. No dice allowed!
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  1. The casino will tell you – If you don’t want to lose this hand…: Don’t ask “can I roll again?” at the casino. You won’t be able to, and you’ll miss out on the fun. The only time you can ask for another roll is if your original roll was wrong for some reason (you didn’t have a winning hand, or the casino was confused).


  1. The best way to take care of business at the blackjack table: Know your game! If you know what’s going on with blackjack rules and house edge, like this article , then you’ll be more prepared for the next time you go to Vegas.
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  1. The next best way to take care of business at the blackjack table: Have an understanding of how the hands keep stacking up and hitting their house edge, like this article .


  1. The best way to take care of business at the blackjack table: Know your opponents, as well as their game plan for the next seven rounds (if you’re in a multi-table game). If you know what they’re trying to do, you can prepare for it and make adjustments in your hand before they see what’s going on.


  1. The next best way to take care of business at the blackjack table: Know your own winnings, losses, and percentage play at all tables. If you know how much money you won or lost, and what percentage of the game you played, then you’re more prepared for next time.
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  1. The best way to take care of business at the blackjack table: Be upfront with your card counting strategy. Card counting is a winning strategy if you’re able to keep your hands under control and play smartly. If the casino finds out about your card-counting strategy (and it’s just a matter of time before they catch on), they can request that you stop playing blackjack for any number of arbitrary reasons, override your winnings, and kick you out of their casino (and possibly banish your presence from all their casinos).


  1. The next best way to take care of business at the blackjack table: Play smartly and don’t bet when you’re not really sure what will happen. The less money you play with, the less chance you have that they can catch on to your strategy (you won’t necessarily be removed from their casino, but they can definitely make your experience uncomfortable).
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  1. The next best way to take care of business at the blackjack table: If you lose a few dollars playing with $200, just hit the cashier’s cage and leave, no questions asked (and no one will ever know that you were playing blackjack).


  1. The next best way to take care of business at the blackjack table: If you “accidentally” lose all your money and have to leave, don’t come back with a suitcase the next time you go back for more chips! Casino workers are not authorised to give you your money back. And before you ask, no, I’m not lying: They really can’t give it back and will tell you that.
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  1. If you play the game legally: The casinos have their own set of rules, like the ones listed in this article .


  1. If you play the game illegally: You’re done once you’re caught. You’ll get penalised with stiff fines and possibly jail time, or even banned from playing with other casinos entirely.


  1. The best way to take care of business at the Roulette table: Know your game! If you know what’s going on with roulette rules and the house edge, like this article , then you’ll be more prepared for when you head to Las Vegas.


  1. The next best way to take care of business at the Roulette table: Know that no one likes a sore loser! If there are any rules about how long you have to wait for a winning hand, know them and abide by them. Betting on red (even double or five) is not allowed; it’s only allowed if you hit on black first.
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Thanks for reading! It’s my sincere hope that when you’ve returned home exhausted from your trip to Nevada, you’ll be able to sleep well knowing that you know how to do things right for your next gambling trip to Vegas.


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