10 Things to Remember When Hunting for Apartments

Whether you’re moving into an apartment for the first time or what feels like the tenth time, it is an exhilarating and overwhelming experience. Depending on the real estate market in your area, your apartment search may be a one-and-done deal, or you may need to tour several units before settling on one. Fortunately, we’re here to help. Before you commit, keep these ten things in mind when hunting for an apartment.

1.   Price

Before choosing an apartment, you’ve to consider your budget. This includes rent, groceries, utility bills, and move-in expenses you expect. Conduct comprehensive online research to get an idea of standard rent rates in the area. If you’re ready to pay a higher cost for a particular location, you will have to develop other strategies to reduce expenses. Also, be aware that if an apartment’s rent is too low compared to others in the neighborhood, that might be a red flag.

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2.   Quality

Don’t be deceived by those online pictures. Before renting an apartment, arrange to see it in person. Remember that the landlord can fix cosmetic issues such as scratches or broken blinds, but significant problems might indicate the landlord has neglected the apartment. As you tour the apartment, check out for safety and health issues such as rodents, leaks, water damage, lead paint, bug issues, mold, dirty air filters, damaged HVAC systems, rust, and electrical issues. In addition, test the lighting and plumbing fixtures out. See if the faucets trickle or don’t offer the water pressure you prefer. Even if it’s during the day, test the lighting fixtures.

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3.   Measure the space

When it comes to big furniture items, eyeballing can result in costly mistakes in the long run. Bring your tape measure while apartment hunting. Create a list of your biggest items and their dimensions so you can determine if they’ll fit inside the rooms or fit through building entrances and hallways.

4.   The neighborhood

Before signing the lease, spend some time in the location to get a sense of the community. This way, you’ll evaluate the average age and demographics of your neighbors. Also, investigate the neighborhood’s safety records and check out if the community has any regulations. If the apartment has an HOA, make sure you understand their expectations and rules before committing. Besides, make sure you check out any parking or traffic regulations in the locality.

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5.   Consider roommates

Living with roommates can help you get the most out of your money and time. Also, roommates can make life more affordable and fun. However, before you move in with strangers, get to know them beforehand. Probably, they also want to screen you. Remember, you may not become friends with them, but have respect for each other. Also, ensure that, for the most part, your lifestyles match.

6.   The neighbors

Besides your roommates, thoughtfully consider your potential neighbors. Talking to them can be insightful when deciding. Neighbors are a reliable source of honest reviews as they can tell you precisely what you should expect when you move in. The reviews can be negative or positive, but either way, this information will be helpful when weighing your options.

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7.   The pet policy

Your landlord should include the pet policy in the lease. If you have a pet or are pointing toward getting one, ask if pets are allowed. Pet policies vary among different apartments in Downtown Columbus OH, and most won’t allow them for free. Confirm if the pet charges are flat rate or dependent on the number of animals.

8.   Consider what you’re willing to compromise

It can be challenging to find a perfect apartment with all your desires. Thus, you’ll have to make some compromises and sacrifices but ensure you can live with the state before committing.

9.   Take pictures and pay attention to detail

When hunting, the landlord won’t give you all the details concerning the unit. Be sure to take photos to document how the unit looks before moving in. In some cases, visiting the apartment at different times allows you to understand the apartment’s integrity better. For example, you can assess the apartment’s noise level in the evening and your neighbors’ vibe at night.

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10. Understand the lease

Before submitting the application, make sure you look over the lease to ensure it’s legitimate and has no surprises. Read it carefully to ensure it suits your needs as well. For example, if you intend to sublet the unit in the future, does it allow you to do so? Also, make sure you check whether the lease is month-to-month, 6-month, or one year, when the rent is due, who’s responsible for maintenance, parking regulations, and if your deposit is refundable.


Finding the right apartment can be overwhelming, but when you get it, it’s worth it. While most people spend a lot of time handling housing setbacks, these tips outlined above can help you feel confident and find your new apartment quickly.

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Author bio :- Ken Anthony


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